Iniciativa do Yunus Centre, do Nobel de Economia Muhammad Yunus, para que uma futura vacina contra o coronavírus seja um bem comum global, distribuída gratuitamente para todos os seres humanos. O abaixo-assinado foi lançado no domingo (28) por 105 personalidades globais, entre ex-chefes de estado, prêmios Nobel, empresários, líderes religiosos e ativistas como Malala Yousafzai, Bono Vox, Anne Hidalgo, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Mikhail Gorbachev, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Mary Robinson, George Clooney, Desmond Tutu, Mo Ibrahim , Matt Damon, Leymah Gbowee, Romano Prodi, Vicente Fox e Samuel Khan, entre outros. Você pode assinar o manifesto no site que traz a lista de todos que apoiam esta iniciativa.


O objetivo do apelo unificado é que as Nações Unidas, a Organização Mundial de Saúde, governos, fundações, entidades filantrópicas, comunidade científica e empresas se juntem para que uma vacina contra o coronavírus não seja um produto de um país ou empresa, mas um direito, e que seja desenvolvido um plano global para que todos os seres humanos sejam protegidos dessa doença, sem nenhum tipo de discriminação.


Leia abaixo (em inglês) a carta de Muhamamd Yunus:


Muhammad Yunus, Desmond Tutu, Mikhail Gorbachev, Malala Yousafzai, Bono, Richard Branson, Lech Walesa, Jody Williams, Mahathir Mohamad, Lula, George Clooney, Sharon Stone, Forest Whitaker, Leymah Gbowee, Mary Robinson, Tawakkol Karman, Ratan Tata, Azim Premji, Shabana Azmi, Anne Hidalgo, Thomas Bach, Andrea Bocelli and other World Leaders Appeal To Declare Corona Vaccine A Global Common Good.

105 World Leaders including 18 Nobel Laureates, 32 former Chief of State and Governments, Political Leaders, Artistes, International NGOs and Institutions have signed a call initiated by Yunus Centre to declare COVID-19 Vaccines as a global common good.

The Appeal says:

A pandemic clearly exposes the strength and weaknesses of healthcare systems in every country and highlights the obstacles and inequities in gaining access to healthcare. The effectiveness of the upcoming vaccination campaign will depend on its universality.

We appeal to governments, foundations, philanthropists and social businesses to come forward to produce and/or distribute the vaccines all over the world for free. We invite all social, political, and health entities to re-affirm our collective responsibility for the protection of ALL vulnerable persons without any discrimination whatsoever.

We are pleading to all world leaders including the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Director General of the World Health Organization, religious leaders, social and moral leaders, leaders of research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies and the media to join hands and ensure that in the case of a COVID-19 vaccine, we have a global consensus that it must be deployed as a global common good.

We invite everyone to join the pledge at VACCINECOMMONGOOD.ORG.

I hope your esteemed institution will do its best to spread this message and join our pledge.


Professor Muhammad Yunus

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